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Achievement Unlocked

🏆 Congratulations, you're a Scientist!

Let's Recap

Singlehandedly, you:

  1. Created new metrics to track when customers click "Add to Cart" and "Checkout".
  2. Used the LaunchDarkly SDK to send those metrics to LaunchDarkly so we could learn from our customers.
  3. Launched a new experiment to learn which product accent label would drive the most purchases.
  4. Included a guardrail in our experiment to make sure we weren't losing sales with this change.
  5. Saw how easy it was to make sense of our experiment so you can drop that stats class, finally.

Is Your Brain Full Yet?

For your first day here at Toggle Outfitters, you've been going like gangbusters and you're transforming this company from the inside out.

I guess it's all in a day's work for you, especially with LaunchDarkly in your utility belt, you're a regular software ninja 🥷.

Experimentation is a subject that's both deep and wide, but thanks to the new tools you've learned and that LaunchDarkly feature flags are built for experimentation out of the box, you're well-equipped to go out and start learning from everything you ship now!